People and Pigs: Working Together


Farmers want to take the best care of their animals that they can. That goes for pig producers as well. Jon Hoek, Director of Swine Precision Production Development at Summit Precision Production (SPP), notes that pigmanship is a philosophy, an approach to improved pork production. Pigmanship helps producers reduce waste – in efforts and processes, in time and resources, and in finding better ways to do things efficiently with both animals and humans in mind. It allows stock-people to become more aware of the pigs’ home environment and the humans’ work environment. 

Research from the U.S. and abroad continues to build supporting evidence that where stock-people are effectively educated in animal handling, both the people and the animals experience less stress and more positive interactions. The results are improved productivity from both the humans and the pigs. Plus, there is a lower turnover of employees – a critical element for profitable stock production.

The stock-person’s role is essential to the well-being of the animals, the employees, and the operation. As operations grow and change, they look to support for these evolving needs to provide cutting-edge training and awareness for animal care and employee enrichment.

SPP is leading the way in this emerging field, creating sustainable, human, and effective environments for all that goes on under roof.

Are you interested in learning how SPP can help you and your operation? Reach out to Jon Hoek to learn more.